Thursday, January 28, 2010

Another great day in Room 240 – here’s the low-down:

After Independent Literacy Time and Morning Meeting, we had Reader’s Workshop. Today we talked about treating books and materials with respect, and reviewed how to properly store and use books (a simple, but necessary lesson for first grade). The kids all then got to do both independent reading and buddy reading, and also wrote a nice reader response.

After that, we had two songs – we reviewed the ocean song again, and then I taught the kids a song about the continents (see the lyrics here – the tune is to “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands”). Ask your child how many of the (seven) continents they can remember!

After singing, we had Writer’s Workshop. The kids all had writing that they were anxious to get back to – they are working on pieces as diverse as stories, poetry, recipe/cookbooks, lists, and letters. It is so much fun to read them and discuss them with these young writers as they work!

It was then time for lunch and recess, and then back up to the room to read three more chapters of Mercy Watson – Something Wonky This Way Comes. At high noon, we headed down to the gym for class with Mr. Hill and Mr. Peterson. Gym was indoors this week – next week we will be outside for skating, weather permitting. (Parents are ALWAYS welcomed/encouraged/begged to come and help out – tying all those skate laces is quite a job. Please come if you can – Monday and Thursday, from 12:00 until 12:55. You can meet us in the gym, or in the warming house at Lynnhurst.)

When we got up from gym, we had Math Workshop, in which the kids all put the data that they collected from their surveys yesterday onto a graph. I am collecting all of the graphs to make into a class book, which will be in our class library.

After math, we finished the day with Science Lab. Yesterday the kids all traced those little water-expanding animals, and today we measured them (a little measurement lesson) to see if they had grown any since yesterday. They actually have – tomorrow we will work on recording that information on a large chart!

After that, as always, it was time to clean up, pack up, and bundle up!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Knock knock!
Who's there?
Cows who?
Cows go moo, not who!!

Another great day in Room 240 – read on to hear all about it!

After Independent Literacy Time and Morning Meeting, we had Reader’s Workshop. Today we worked on building reading stamina – the amount of time that the kids can spend reading at one stretch. They did both independent and buddy reading, and wrote a reader response to their reading.

After reading, we had a song – the ocean song again, to review, for science and social studies, the names of the oceans. (It’s to the tune of “My Bonny Lies Over the Ocean.”)

We then moved on to Writer’s Workshop. Today, instead of working on a story, we wrote letters – we had some rather exciting news that we will have a new student joining our class on Friday. His name is Owen, and each one of the kids wrote him a note to welcome him to our classroom and to tell about the fun things that we have going on here. They were very sweet notes – ask your child what s/he wrote!

After writing, we got bundled up and headed down for lunch and recess, then back up to our room for another couple of chapters of Mercy Watson. We just had time to three chapters before it was time to go upstairs to the art room for class with Mr. Fairbanks.

When we got back to our room, we had Math Workshop. Today the kids each got to ask all of their classmates the survey question that they developed today and record the results. Tomorrow we will work on taking those data and organizing them onto a graph. Look for the work hanging outside our door in the near future!

After math, we had Science Lab. Today we finished reading a non-fiction book about Orcas (Killer Whales). We are learning both about ocean animals as well as how to get information from a non-fiction text – both are valuable and important first grade skills. Also, Anna’s mom was in to help out, and she helped the kids trace four of those little plastic animals, the kind that expand when you put them in water. They traced them onto graph paper, and tomorrow we will figure out the area that each takes up, to compare them with the “fully grown” versions in a week or so. The dolphin, shark, sea star, and sea turtle are all currently in a bucket in our classroom. We’ll have to see how big they are tomorrow!

After all of that, like usual, it was time to pack up, clean up, and bundle up!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Q. Why do fish live in salt water?
A. Because pepper makes them sneeze!

Another nice day in Room 240 – here’s the scoop…

After Independent Literacy Time and Morning Meeting, we had Reader’s Workshop. The kids got a chance to practice reading their bookbag books, and then got to do buddy reading with a friend – they did really well. After that, each wrote a response to the text – my challenge to them was to try to write a different type of response than they had previously.

After reading, it was on to Writer’s Workshop. Today we reviewed all of the ways that writers make their writing easy for their readers, and then went to work polishing stories. We were so hard at work on the stories that we ended up not having time to share our work. Luckily we could postpone that until after gym – many of the kids were bursting at the seams to share their hard work.

When we finished writing, we were off to lunch and recess, and then back up to the room for Read Aloud – today it was Bear Feels Scared (a really nice rhyming book – one of a series about the same bear and his little friends). Then it was down to the gym for class with Mr. Hill and Mr. Peterson – SLEDDING! Of course, I had to go out and join them (no wonder I love my job – I can brag to all of my friends that I “had” to go sledding as a part of my workday!). Here are some photos and a video that I took – the video I shot as I was sledding down the hill, so it’s got interesting cinematography…

After gym, we came back up to our room and had a writing share – the kids that wanted to used the chair in the front of the room and the microphone to read their stories to the class. They were very enjoyable!

After that, we had a small birthday celebration for Mykal – he was nice enough to bring us treats, so we were all very happy to share them with him. Then we got to watch a slideshow of the photos from the sledding trip, as well as a couple of videos of the kids on the hill. After we cleaned up the room, we had Thursday Fun, in lieu of Friday Fun (remember – no school tomorrow).

After all of that, it was time to pack up and head home!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Q: What kind of chese doesn’t belong to you?
A: Nacho cheese.

Another great day in Room 240 – here’s the lowdown:

After Independent Literacy Time and Morning Meeting, we had Reader’s Workshop.   We spent our time today reading – doing independent reading and buddy reading, and then writing about our books in our Response Journals.  The end-of-workshop share today was to have everyone read the reader response that they wrote today.  They are coming up with some very interesting insights about their books!

After that, we headed right into Writer’s Workshop.  Today we worked on making on making our writing readable, both in terms of clear handwriting and spaces between words, and also in terms of making the information clear for the reader.  The kids all had some quality writing time too!

Then it was time for lunch and recess, and then back up to our room for Read Aloud.  The book today was Can-Do Pigs, by David McPhail.  After the book, we headed upstairs to the art room for class with Mr. Fairbanks.

When we got back down to our room, we had Math Workshop.  Today we worked on a couple of assessments that are a part of the end-of-quarter program in first grade, and then we worked on the math/science combo that we started yesterday.

After math, we had Science Lab – the kids learned the whole oceans song – ask them to sing it for you – and I told them to quiz you all on the four oceans (Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic).

After all of that, like usual, it was time to pack up and head home!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Q:   What happened to the dog that swallowed a firefly?
A:   It barked with de-light!

I hope that you all enjoyed the long weekend – and that was actually a long weekend for you.  We are right back in the saddle here in Room 240!

After Independent Literacy Time and Morning Meeting, we had Reader’s Workshop.  Today we read another book by the author that we are studying – Mem Fox.  The book of the day was Whoever You Are, a really nice book about acceptance and global understanding.  The skill that we worked on was getting the meaning/lesson that the author intended out of a text.  After that, the kids traded books from their bookbags, and then had Independent Reading and wrote in their response journals.

After that, I taught the kids a new song – Shake My Sillies Out (also a book by Raffi, if you’re interested).  Then it was on to Writer’s Workshop.  Today we talked about the importance of making our writing easy for our reader to read and understand – the morning message today lookedalllikethiswiththewordsallbunchedtogethersothatthetkidscould
realizethatitisreallyhardtoreadwithoutspacesbetweenwords.  We then talked about how they can make their own writing easy for their readers, and then they went out to write.  At the end of workshop our sharing time was for them to share with their fellow writers how they went about making their writing easy for their readers.

We then got bundled up and headed down for lunch and recess.  When we got back up to our room, we had Read Aloud – I read the kids a book called Pig Pig Goes to Camp.  Then we trundled down the hallway to Media for class with Mrs. Hennen.

When we got back to our room, we had a combined Math Workshop and Science Lab – the kids worked on various activities that had to do with aquatic animals and reading, writing, and math. 

After that, we spent some time doing social studies, related, of course, to our science theme.  Each student labeled the oceans and the continents on a world map – ask them to see if they can remember how many oceans there are (4), and how many continents there are (7 – don’t forget Antarctica…).  I also taught them a song to help remember the names of the oceans – it is to the tune of “My Bonny Lies over the Ocean.”

After all of that, it was time to pack up and head home!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Why did the chicken cross the playground?

To get to the other slide. 

 Here’s the scoop on Room 240 today…

After Independent Literacy time and Morning Meeting (and realizing that it is the 81st day of first grade – time flies!!), we had Reader’s Workshop.  We skipped our Author Study for the day, because Morning Meeting took longer than planned – two kids with newly lost teeth, and some good math figuring out how much longer until the 100th day of school.  The kids had independent reading time, buddy reading time, as well as time to write in their Reader Response Journals.

We then had a song (Down by the Bay again, with only aquatic animals in the verses).  Then we went on to Writer’s Workshop – we worked on original stories again, with the kids expanding on the Reader Questions from yesterday.

After lunch and recess, we came back up to the room for Read Aloud, which today was Pickles to Pittsburgh, the sequel to Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.  Then it was back down to the gym for more snowshoeing and cross-country skiing.

After that tiring but very fun expedition, we spent a bit of time organizing our classroom – making sure that all of the reading, writing, math, and science materials are all in the proper places so that they are easy to find.  Then we had math workshop – we worked on subtraction and addition sentences with the numbers missing in various places (e.g. ____+ 3 = 10, 7 + ___ = 8, and 5 + 5 =_____). 

We then moved on to Science Lab, and some of the kids got to go out in the hallway and learn about how long various species of sharks are, while the rest watched a short film about sharks, and took notes in their notebooks about facts from the movie – both to learn about sharks, and to start to think about research as well.

After all of that, it was time to pack up and head home.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Another great day in Room 240!

Here’s the joke of the day:

Why did the boy eat his homework?

Because she said it was a piece of cake!

This morning, after Independent Literacy Time and Morning Meeting, we had Reader’s Workshop.  We worked on our Author Study of Mem Fox again – we read Possum Magic, which is her first book (and was rejected by 9 publishers, and ended up selling 3.5 million copies).  The kids all then write a Reader’s Response to that book, so that they could practice different ways of writing their responses.

After reading, we had Writer’s Workshop, in which the kids read a piece that they were working on to a partner, and then their partner gave them a nice comment and then 3 Reader Questions.  After they switched roles, everyone went back to their tables and wrote, trying to answer the reader questions.

After that, we had lunch and recess, and then back up for Read Aloud (the book I Stink).  After Read Aloud, we headed up to art for class with Mr. Fairbanks. 

When we got back down to our room, we had Bravo class – Ray’s mom Joanne came in to teach the class about Beethoven – we listened to and saw an orchestra playing his 5th Symphony, learned about his life, and then saw a clip form the Disney movie Fantasia that had animation that went along with the music.

After that, we had Science Lab, in which we reviewed a book about sharks to learn some more interesting facts.  While we were doing that, each child had the chance to make an aquatic “fossil” by pressing seashells into clay.  After they dry, we will try to be paleontologists and match up the imprint to the shell.

By that time, it was time to pack up and head home!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Another super day in Room 240! 

Here’s a joke that I heard today:

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Dishes who?
Dishes the police - open up!

This morning, after Independent Literacy Time and Morning Meeting, we had Reader’s Workshop.  We began our Author Study of Mem Fox in earnest today – we started of by making a list of the literary components of Mem’s stories that we wanted to pay attention to – the kids came up with Setting, Characters, Plot, Writer’s Craft (how she tells the story, and interesting details and words that she includes), and Connections (how we all relate to the book).  Then we read Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge, and talked about various aspects of the story.  Then the kids had independent reading time, and I worked with each individually doing a literacy assessment.

After reading, we moved on to Writer’s Workshop.  We talked again about how writers answer Reader Questions in their writing, and I told the kids about how Mem Fox took 49 drafts and 2 years to write Koala Lou, which is a book of only 585 words – she kept on thinking about Reader Questions, and asking her friends for their ideas and comments.  The kids then went out to try to write like Mem!

After that, it was down for lunch and out for recess, and then back up to the room for Read Aloud – today it was a short one – Mr. Putter and Tabby Fly the Plane (if you don’t know about this series, it’s a great one – kids LOVE it – see the whole list here).  After the book we headed down the hall for Media with Mrs. Hennen – I know that the kids were in the computer lab for part of their time there.

When we got back to our room, we had Math Workshop – the kids each made two posters of a subtraction story – with an story problem that they made up, an illustration, and four different ways to solve the problem.  Some of them had very creative story problems, as you can probably imagine…

After that, it as on to Science Lab – the kids learned about the parts of a shark, a fish, and a whale, and tried to figure out if a shark in a fish or not (it is), and then how fish are different than whales.

After all of that, it was time to pack up and head home!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Another fine day in Room 240!

After Independent Literacy Time and Morning Meeting, we had Reader’s Workshop.  The highlight of the time was that the kids got a switch out the books in their bookbags.  They also had Independent and buddy Reading time, and then they wrote in their Reader Response Journals as well.  After that, we had a song, which is called In the Ocean (to go along with our science theme).

Then we moved on to Writer’s Workshop, in which the kids worked to revise and improve one of the pieces that they have already written by trying to anticipate Reader Questions (questions that their likely readers would have about their story).

After that, it was on to lunch and recess, then back up for the last chapter of Mr. Popper’s Penguins.  The kids all kept their warm clothes on, because after Read Aloud they went down to the gym for snowshoeing and cross-country skiing.  From all reports, they had a blast!

When gym was done, we came back up to our room, got all of the outside clothing off and packed up, and had Math Workshop.  Today we built upon the subraction work that we have been doing for the past week.  Each student made a small paper book and wrote and illustrated a subtraction word problem on each page.  They really did a nice job, and I can see that they are making good progress in understanding the concept of subtraction  - plus their writing skills are growing every day!  Each student also had a chance to share his or her best subtraction story with the class.

At the end of the day, we had time for only a short Science Lab, in which the kids reviewed the parts of a shark – dorsal fins, pectoral fins, caudal fin, and gill slits.

After all of that, we packed up to go home!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Another great day in Room 240!

Today, after Independent Literacy Time and Morning Meeting, we had Reader’s Workshop.  We continued with our Author Study of Mem Fox.  We listened to her tell about how she got her name, as well as listen to her read Koala Lou.  It’s always interesting to hear the author read the book, as opposed to just some old first grade teacher.  Plus, I think that the kids enjoyed her Australian accent…  After that, we had both independent and buddy reading time.

After reading, we began Writer’s Workshop.  We talked again about how writers need to write with their readers in mind, and try to anticipate the questions that their story might raise for their reader(s), and try to answer them.  We call them “Reader Questions,” and talk about the fact that all writers do it.  They then went out to write, and many of them tried to use Reader Questions to help shape their writing.

Then it was off to lunch and (outdoor) recess, and back up to the room for another chapter of Mr. Popper’s Penguins.  Next, the kids all got their gym shoes on and went down to the gym for class with Mr. Hill and Mr. Peterson.

When we got back up to our room, we had Math Workshop.  We talked about subtraction in a little different way (yesterday we talked about drawing pictures, making tally marks, and using ten frames to conceptualize subtraction).  Today the kids learned that subtraction is not only the inverse of addition (5 + 4 = 9 is directly related to 9 – 4 = 5), but also that subtraction (and addition) problems can be thought of as “missing number problems” – that they can think of 8 – 5 = ____ as being the same as _____ + 5 = 8.

We then moved in Science Lab – we watched a video about sharks that are found in the oceans around the United States.  Ask your child to name some of the species of sharks that they saw today (such as hammerheads, great whites, bonneted, tiger, sand, etc.).

After all of that, it was time to pack up and head home!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Another nice day in Rom 240!

After Independent Literacy time and Morning Meeting, we were on to Reader’s Workshop.  Today we began a new Author Study on one of my favorite authors (I have a lot of them, as it turns out – occupational hazard, I think…).  We are starting to learn about Mem Fox, who is a very prolific Australian author – for more info on her, click here, or here, or here to hear her talk about her name, or here to hear an interview with her.  She has a ton of cool books – today we read Koala Lou, and tomorrow we will begin to analyze it.  After that, we had independent reading time, and then Reader Response Journals.

After that, we headed straight into Writer’s Workshop – we talked about how our new author friend Mem uses lovely language in her writing, and also how she thinks about her reader as she is writing, which is the focus of our current writing unit.  Then, of course, the kids went off to write.

After writing, we went down to lunch and (outside!!) to recess.  When we got back up to the room, we read another chapter of Mr. Popper’s Penguins, and then it was off to the art room for class there.

When we got back down to our room, it was time for Math Workshop, in which we practiced solving subtraction word problems together as a group and also individually.

After math, we had Science Lab.  We continued our study of sharks – the kids learned the various parts of the shark – ask them about dorsal fins (the ones on the back), pectoral fins (the ones on the underside), and gill slits.  Here is a picture that looks pretty much like the one we looked at in class.

After all of that, it was once again time to clean up, pack up, and bundle up!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Another fine day in Room 240!  We were busy and quite productive.  Read on to hear all about it!

After Independent Literacy Time and Morning Meeting, we had Reader’s Workshop.  Since the kids all got new books for their book bags yesterday, they were itching to read and read, so we had independent reading time, followed by Buddy Reading time, and then they all wrote in their Reader’s Response Journals.

After that, we sang – Leah chose Stone Soup as the song of the day.  Then it was on to Writer’s Workshop.  Today I taught the kids about how writers write with their readers in mind, trying to think about what their readers know and can relate to, in order to make their writing more interesting.  I wrote about a trip that I took to the Sahara Desert (many years ago), and the kids were left wondering about some of the details that I ‘took for granted’ that they would know.  Then all of the kids went off to write and try to consider their readers.

Then it was time for lunch and (indoor) recess, then read aloud – Mr. Popper’s Penguins again.  After read aloud, we headed down the hall to the Media Center for class with Mrs. Hennen.

After Media we moved on to Math Workshop, in which we practiced our newfound subtraction skills – we’re still working on the concept of subtraction (how and why it works) versus the actual computation, which will come soon.

Then, we had Science Lab.  Today, we began our new mini-unit on sharks.  We talked about all of the prior knowledge that we all had about sharks, and then we opened up a traveling trunk from Underwater World (at the Mall of America) that has all kinds of cool things to look at.  Today I showed the kids two shark jaws (real ones, but happily disconnected from a shark…).  We got to see how sharp the teeth are, and how the teeth are lined up inside the jaw, ready to replace one that goes missing.  Pretty cool.

After all of that, it was time to clean up, pack up, and bundle up, and head home!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome back to school, and Happy New Year. I hope that the vacation was good (believe me, I’ve heard ALL about it today…) ☺ It’s good to be back in Room 240 – we had a good day!

This morning, after Independent Literacy Time (the kids can choose to write in the morning instead of reading now, if they like) and Morning Meeting, we had Reader’s Workshop. Today the kids were busy changing the books in their independent reading bookbags, as well as reading books at their levels. Several of the reading groups met with me today, and all of the kids write in their Reader Response Journals. After that, we had a fun sing-along (Down by the Bay again).

After our song, we had Writer’s Workshop, in which each student wrote and illustrated a page about their various exploits during Winter Vacation. I will be assembling all of the pages into a class book for al of use to read. They sure had some adventures, to say the least!

After writing, it was off to lunch and then back up to the room fort indoor recess, with the temperatures still near or below zero. After that, we read more from Mr. Popper’s Penguins. We then headed down to the gym for class with Mr. Hill and Mr. Peterson (indoor, again, due to the weather).

When we got back up to the room, we had Math Workshop. Today we began to talk about subtraction. We looked at ten frames, and wrote number sentences to match them, using both addition and subtraction (8+2=10 and 10-2=8, for instance). Then the kids played a game using dice called Roll and Record, in which they subtracted one of the numbers on the dice from the other.

After that, we had just a bit of time left for the afternoon, and used it to do another of our monthly self-portraits. Then we packed up, bundled up, and headed home!