Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Another good day in Room 240!!

After independent reading time and Morning Meeting, we had Reader’s Workshop. We are beginning an Author’s Study about Vera B. Williams. We looked at a poster that I made that highlighted events from her life and facts about her, so that we could get to know her a bit. The books that she writes are largely personal narratives, which is the next unit that we will be doing in Writer’s Workshop (we will use these books as Mentor Texts in our writing in the coming weeks). We read one of her books today as well – A Chair for my Mother (more details here). We’ll go back tomorrow and analyze the books for several key points.

After that, we had a short break time, and then it was on to Writer’s Workshop. Today we looked back at all of the writing that they have done thus far. They picked out one piece to give to me for a year-long record, one piece that they wanted to keep at school to continue working on, and then packed up the rest to bring home – ENJOY!

Then it was on to lunch and recess, then back up to our room to finish Mercy Watson Thinks Like a Pig, and then off to the library for class with Mrs. Hennen.

When we got back to our room, we had math workshop, in which we worked on the end-of-quarter assessment. After that great fun, we had Science Lab, in which we figured out what makes an organism an organism (breathing, eating, needing water, being alive, growing, and dying). Then each of the kids made a picture of their favorite organism.

After all of that, it was time to pack up and head home!