Another great day in Room 240!!
After the kids had a bit of independent reading time to begin the day, we had morning meeting. After meeting, we began Reader’s Workshop, in which we talked about the tools that people use in various jobs, and then talked about the tools that we use in Reader’s Workshop, and how to take care of them, especially books.
After Reader’s Workshop, we did a “room decorating project” to beautify our room a bit. Each student cut out an outline of a person, and then dressed him/her with scraps of fabric glued on and cut to fit. They then each drew on a face – they turned out really cute, if we do say so ourselves. ☺
We then had Writer’s Workshop, and then kids learned about how to choose an idea to write about. They then had the choice to either continue with a story that they began yesterday or begin a new one.
After writing, it was time for lunch and recess, and then back up to the room to finish the Nate the Great story that we are reading – ask your child how Nate solved the case! Then it was off to the gym for P.E. with Mr. Hill and Mr. Peterson. On Thursdays we have class with Mrs. Lasser’s class, so the kids got to see some old kindergarten friends.
When we got back up to our room, we did our monthly self-portrait for September, which will be hanging up in the room – and we will add to it each month for a really fun collection at the end of the year. After that, we had Math Workshop, in which the kids experimented with Math Tools again.
After math, we did science, and we got out the worms and the magnifying glasses again. This time, the kids were scientists and drew and wrote down their observations on a recording sheet.
After all of that (WHEW!), it was time to pack up and get ready to go!