Q: What do you get when you cross an elephant and a fish?
A: Swimming trunks.
Yet another great day in Room 240 – here’s how it all went down:
After Independent Literacy Time and Morning Meeting, we had Reader’s Workshop. The kids had a chance to do independent reading and buddy reading, while several reading groups met with me. We also had a guest reader for the Read-a-thon – Ray’s grandmother came in to read to us.
After that, we went straight into Writer’s Workshop – today we worked on making sure that all of the words that belong in the stories that the kids are working on are in there (that they have not skipped or left out any words). We also worked on sorting their spelling words during Writer’s Workshop.
After writing, we headed down to the lunchroom and then out for recess. When we got back in, we had time to read another chapter or two from the Geronimo Stilton book that we have been reading. When we got done with reading, we went down the hall to the Media Center for class with Mrs. Hennen.
After Media we came back to home sweet home Room 240 and had Math Workshop. We played a game with dice that was similar to the game from yesterday, except that today we played it with addition and subtraction – getting trickier!!
After math we had a bit of an extended Science Lab – we first measured the water animals (they have grown quite a bit since we last measured them, on Friday) and put the data that we collected on the chart. Then we learned about the areas of the ocean – the underwater topography. The kids each made a cross-section map, that looks a little like this, but much simplified. They cut and pasted labels for continents, continental shelf, continental slope, ridge, trench, and island. They turned out pretty cool – they will be coming home in the next week of so.
After all of that, it was time to pack up and head home!!