Monday, January 11, 2010

Another fine day in Room 240!

After Independent Literacy Time and Morning Meeting, we had Reader’s Workshop.  The highlight of the time was that the kids got a switch out the books in their bookbags.  They also had Independent and buddy Reading time, and then they wrote in their Reader Response Journals as well.  After that, we had a song, which is called In the Ocean (to go along with our science theme).

Then we moved on to Writer’s Workshop, in which the kids worked to revise and improve one of the pieces that they have already written by trying to anticipate Reader Questions (questions that their likely readers would have about their story).

After that, it was on to lunch and recess, then back up for the last chapter of Mr. Popper’s Penguins.  The kids all kept their warm clothes on, because after Read Aloud they went down to the gym for snowshoeing and cross-country skiing.  From all reports, they had a blast!

When gym was done, we came back up to our room, got all of the outside clothing off and packed up, and had Math Workshop.  Today we built upon the subraction work that we have been doing for the past week.  Each student made a small paper book and wrote and illustrated a subtraction word problem on each page.  They really did a nice job, and I can see that they are making good progress in understanding the concept of subtraction  - plus their writing skills are growing every day!  Each student also had a chance to share his or her best subtraction story with the class.

At the end of the day, we had time for only a short Science Lab, in which the kids reviewed the parts of a shark – dorsal fins, pectoral fins, caudal fin, and gill slits.

After all of that, we packed up to go home!