Another nice day in Room 240!!
After Independent Reading Time and Morning Meeting, we had Reader’s Workshop, as per normal. Today we worked on filling in some of the details on our chart for the Story Study of the gingerbread man tales. We talked about plot and setting once again, in the hopes that the kids will start to think about plot and setting in their own writing eventually. The kids also had reading time with their book bags, and some of them set with me in Reading Group.
After that, we learned a new song, I’ve Been Workin’ on the Railroad – the kids enjoyed it. We then took a few minutes of our Writer’s Workshop to write letters to Scientist Kristy to thank her for her time and expertise yesterday (check out the videos on yesterday’s post below). Then it was on to normal Writer’s Workshop, in which the kids practiced reading their chosen story, in preparation for recording it later this week.
After that, it was down for lunch and recess, then back up for Read Aloud. We started a new novel today, called Mr. Popper’s Penguins. It’s a classic, from 1938, and a Newbery Award winner. Then it was time to head on down the hall to Media for class with Mrs. Hennen.
When we got back to the room, we had Science Lab straightaway. Since our organisms unit is ending, we cleaned up the aquariums and terrariums that we had on the tables. This, of course, involved digging for and finding the pillbugs and the millipedes in the terrariums, and fishing out the weeds, snails, and guppies from the aquariums. Needless to say, a good time was had by all.
After that, we worked on our new spelling/word work program that we will be implementing in our class. It involves working on a specific spelling skill each week. This week we will be just ‘practicing’ how the weeks will go, with a practice test on Friday. I will send the words home with your child tomorrow.
After that, we had a bit of time to have birthday snacks from Ben (thanks, Ben!), and then pack up to head home.
Enjoy the snow!!!!!