Today, after Independent Reading Time and Morning Meeting, we had Reader’s Workshop. We worked again, for the first half of the time, on filling in the chart for our Story Study – the kids are really getting the hang of identifying the setting, charcters, plot, and making connections to the stories. They also got to “Buddy Read” with a friend as some of them met with me in Reading Group.
After that, we had our daily song – I’ve Been Working on the Railroad (again, by popular request). Then it was on to Writer’s Workshop, in which the kids are still ‘fixing and fancying” their pieces to record later this week and next week. They are adding great details and emotions to their writing!
We then headed down for lunch and recess (indoor today), and then had Read Aloud in our room. We read Chapters 2 and 3 of Mr. Popper’s Penguins – a shipment of penguins from the South Pole just arrived at the Popper house in Stillwater!
After that, we headed up to the art room for class – Mr. Fairbank’s student teacher taught the kids today. When we got back down to the room, we finished up some reading that we had left over from the a.m., as well as some of the kids who wanted to share their writing and didn’t get a chance in the morning got to read their pieces. After that, we worked on writing again – making sure that the letters are formed the proper way, and are the proper sizes.
After all of that, it was time to pack up and head home!